Question of the Day

Sun 29 Mar 2020

Whilst putting your (analogue) clock forward, you drop it and the face breaks into two pieces.
The numbers (not digits) on one piece add up to double the numbers (not digits) on the other piece.
Which numbers are on the two pieces.
There are two solutions, an extra big shout-out if you can get both of them.

Question of the Day

Sat 28 Mar 2020

Which is the only word in the English language in which the letter Q is next to the letter H?
It is not an obscure word. You WILL know it.

Question of the Day

Fri 27 Mar 2020

Name a country which consists of one word but contains all five vowels.

Question of the Day

Thu 26 Mar 2020

Write down
        – the name of a planet
        – the name of a month
        – a language

No letter can be used more than once.


Question of the Day

Wed 25 Mar 2020

I have written a word in CAPITAL letters

– It has more than 4 letters
– they are all different
– they all have an area which can be ‘coloured in’

What is the word?
